My First Blog Post!

So, I finally did it. I finally started my first blog to share my photography thoughts, experiences and some behind the scenes tips and tricks I use while out and about with my camera.

I have to admit, I'm not the writing type and I have never done anything like this before so part of the reason is also to challenge myself to create this journal of photography related topics. On this blogging journey, I will make mistakes I'm sure but I have to start somewhere, right?

So here it goes!!

I am a 30 something man that got the photography bug around 10 or so years ago. I have a technical day job and found photography gave me an opportunity to do something visually creative. Up until around a year ago my photography craft was a bit stop-start due to many things from inspiration, motivation and probably most importantly having a young family and a full-time job and just finding the free time was hard enough.

I'm sure it is no coincidence that in 2016 I moved from being a Nikon shooter to using Fujifilm cameras and since then I have been spending all the free time I can find photographing London and the South East of England and my motivation has never been stronger. Now, I'm not just all about the gear and won't be spending lots of my time writing about equipment but what I will say is that I have never been happier with the Fuji kit I now use and being happy with the equipment you use in any craft will have a positive effect on your work. That's true for me anyhow. To see an up to date list of kit I use, pop over to my about page here for a breakdown 

What kind of photographer am I?

I enjoy taking photos of landscapes but I particularly love a cityscape and this is really where I caught the photography bug. Living so near London I have a great subject right on my doorstep. I do like an image which has a great subject and stunning colour. This sort of thing...

A photo of the City of London taken from St Paul's Cathedral

Well, what's next?

Up next, I plan to write about my photographic and blogging journey, be it London, around the UK or from any trips I take wider afield. There will be background stories from images I take titled "Behind the Lens", tips and tricks I want to write about and much more so do stay tuned.


On Location Photographing Westminster